You can reach all these areas by taking the quests that can be done for the camp npcs.
Pawblood The quests of this npc have a simple structure. Just kill the number of monsters he asks you for, then go back and get your reward.
Quickill The tasks this npc gives you are also quite straight forward. Just kill as many of the monsters he requests in one hour. The more you kill, the more experience you get. Up to a maximum of course.
Don Correc This is probably a little tricky to understand. The npc wants you to take one hour to kill a set number of a specific monster. If you reach the number to early or the time runs out before you reach it, then your accuracy is off. A little off is tolerable but the more you are off, the less reward you will receive. Should you be to far off, like reaching the kill count in 10 minutes or killing just 2 of the monsters in one hour, you failed and will receive nothing.
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