Main » 2015 » September » 4 » Private Dungeons
1:16 AM
Private Dungeons
With todays (04.09.2015) server save we activated the Private Dungeons feature. From now on you are able to rent yourself a private hunting ground only you and selected friends may access. Just visit the Marketplace and check out the new category "Private Dungeons" to make your purchase.

There are three private dungeons open for rent:
- The Adventurers Cave: recommended for players from level 45 to 85
- The Caverns of Defiance: recommended for players from level 85 to 105
- The Heroes Halls: recommended for players from level 105 up

Each private dungeon is only available once and can be rented for 1 hour, 2 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days or 7 days. To rent a dungeon just talk to npc Dunmast on Circusia or open the Marketplace and choose the dungeon and the length of time you want to rent it. Shouldn't you be able to choose, then the dungeon is either already occupied, you already rented this dungeon, your level is not high enough or you can't access Circusia.

Once you rented a dungeon, you have to visit Circusia. Follow the path from the harbour to the dungeon halls and go down to the second floor. There you find three laboratories each with a red floor tile. The red tile in the left room leads to the Adventurers Cave, the one in the centre room leads to the Caverns of Defiance and the one in the right room leads to the Heroes Halls.

When you step on the tile you are teleported to the dungeon and your rental period begins. Each dungeon has two levels with two large caverns. Each cavern is filled with monsters of one damage type and the respawn rate of the monsters is double than normal. The level of the monsters varies from cave to cave and in some caves from area to area.

On the first level of each dungeon you will find an npc called Butler. From him you can obtain 2 items, a teleport stone and an invitation rod. The stone allows you to access your dungeon from almost any place on the world. With the invitation rod you are able to invite other players to your dungeon for the remaining rental period. It also allows you to uninvite previously invited players and to remove them from your dungeon should they happen to be in it.

If you arrive at the laboratories and the fires at the entrance of the room that contains the tile that leads to your rented dungeon are burning, then the dungeon is already occupied. Just step on the tile and you will receive a message that will tell you the remaining time the dungeon is occupied. While you can't choose a dungeon for rent when the dungeon is occupied, all players may buy the dungeon as long as no one claimed the ownership by stepping on the tile and being teleported into the it. We recommend to check the Marketplace for availability first, then make your way to Circusia and rent the dungeon near the teleportation tile.

If you already rented a dungeon and find it occupied on your arrival, then simply come back any other time that suits you to claim your ownership. The dungeon has to be free, of course. To find out when it is free again just step on the tile and check the remaining rental time. For this to work you must have already rented the dungeon.

We hope this will give you enough information to enjoy your rented dungeons. Happy and successful hunting.
Category: TibiaME News | Views: 3294 | Added by: Mkiller | Rating: 0.0/0
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